Clinical Genetic Testing in Children with Kidney Disease
Eungu Kang, Beom Hee Lee
Child Kidney Dis. 2021;25(1):14-21.   Published online 2021 Jun 30     DOI:
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Genetic diagnosis of kidney disease by whole exome sequencing and its clinical application
Jiwon Jung, Joo Hoon Lee, Go Hun Seo, Changwon Keum, Hee Gyung Kang, Heeyeon Cho, Hajeong Lee, Su‐Kil Park, Chung Hee Baek, Ro Han, Sang Taek Lee, Min Hyun Cho, Hyung Eun Yim, Ja wook Koo, Beom Hee Lee
Clinical Genetics.2023; 104(3): 298.     CrossRef