J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol > Volume 2(1); 1998 > Article
J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol 1998;2(1): 90-94.
만성 신부전을 초래한 Hinman 증후군 1례
이경훈, 이은실, 박용훈
1영남대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
2영남대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
3영남대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
A Case of Hinman Syndrome Complicated by Chronic Renal Failure
Gyeong-Hoon Lee, Eun-Sil Lee, Yong-Hoon Park
1Department of Pediatrics, Yeungnam University, College of Medicine
2Department of Pediatrics, Yeungnam University, College of Medicine
3Department of Pediatrics, Yeungnam University, College of Medicine
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Hinman syndrome is a condition representing urinary voiding dysfunction in the neurologically intact child. The syndrome is probably caused by acquired behavioral and psychosocial disorders manifested by bladder and/or bowel dysfunction mimicking neurologic disease. Clinically, the symptom complex may include day and night time enuresis, encopresis, constipation, and recurrent urinary tract infections. Cystoscopy frequently demonstrates normal vesicourethral anatomy. Voiding films usually demonstarate a carrot-shaped proximal urethra with a persistent narrowing at the external sphincter. The bladder is large and often appears trabeculated with a thickened wall and significant postvoid residual. A 13-year-old male child was admitted due to fever, urinary tract infection, enuresis and flank pain. His neurologic examination was normal. Renal sonograms showed moderate hydronephrosis. Voiding cystourethrograms showed a huge, trabeculated bladder without vesicourethral reflux and urethral valves. No abnormal findings was found in spinal MRI.
Key words: Hinman syndrome | Nonneurogenic neurogenic bladder | Chronic renal failure

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