J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol > Volume 8(2); 2004 > Article
J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol 2004;8(2): 239-243.
급성 신우신염이 병발한 급성 연쇄상구균 감염후 사구체신염 1례
조창이, 최승희, 최영권, 김병희, 유용상, 유용상, 김준성
1미래아동병원 소아과
2미래아동병원 소아과
3미래아동병원 소아과
4미래아동병원 소아과
5미래아동병원 소아과
6미래아동병원 소아과
7미래아동병원 소아과
A Case of Acute Poststreptococcal Glomerulonephritis Accompanied with Acute Pyelonephritis
Chang-Yee Cho, Seung-Hee Cho, Young-Kwon Choi, Byung-Hee Kim, Yong-Sang Yoo, Yong-Sang Yoo, Joon-Sung Kim
1Department of Pediatrics, Mirae Children's Hospital
2Department of Pediatrics, Mirae Children's Hospital
3Department of Pediatrics, Mirae Children's Hospital
4Department of Pediatrics, Mirae Children's Hospital
5Department of Pediatrics, Mirae Children's Hospital
6Department of Pediatrics, Mirae Children's Hospital
7Department of Pediatrics, Mirae Children's Hospital
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Acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis(APSGN) is the most common form of postinfectious glomerulonephritis, and acute pyelonephritis(APN) is the most severe form of urinary tract infection in childhood. However, the concurrence of two diseases is uncommon in the literature. We describe a case of APSGN accompanied with APN in a 5-year-old female who presented with fever, left flank pain, headache and facial edema. Urinalysis showed pyuria, microscopic hematuria, and mild proteinuira. Serial urine cultures grew Escherichia coli. (99m)Tc-DMSA renal scan revealed a cortical defect in the upper pole of left kidney. She had a history of preceding pharyngitis, in addition, showed high blood pressure, high anti-streptolysin O titer, and low serum complement levels. The patient improved completely with supportive treatment, including antibiotic and antihypertensive therapy. These findings suggested that APSGN and APN could be manifested simultaneously or be superimposed on each other.
Key words: Acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis | Acute pyelonephritis | (99m)Tc-DMSA renal scan

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