J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol > Volume 6(2); 2002 > Article
J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol 2002;6(2): 209-217.
신증후군 환아에서 스테로이드에 의한 골다공증 치료에 1α-(OH)D3와 Pamidronate의 효과
김성도, 전혜원, 조병수
1경희대학교 의과대학 소아과학 교실
2경희대학교 의과대학 소아과학 교실
3경희대학교 의과대학 소아과학 교실
The Effects of 1alpha-(OH)D3 and Pamidronate on Steroid Induced Osteoporosis (SIO) in Children with Nephrotic Syndrome (NS)
Sung-Do Kim, Hye-One Jhon, Byoung-Soo Cho
1Dept. of Pediatric, Kyung Hee University College of Mediclne
2Dept. of Pediatric, Kyung Hee University College of Mediclne
3Dept. of Pediatric, Kyung Hee University College of Mediclne
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PURPOSE: Corticosteroid has been used as the mainstay therapy of childhood NS. But SIO is one of the serious complications of long-term steroid therapy, especially in growing children. Recently calcium, calcitonin, PTH, vitamin D and bisphosphonate has been used to treat or prevent SIO in adult, which is rare in children with NS. We studied the effect of 1alpha-(OH)D3 and Pamidronate on SIO using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). PATIENTS AND METHODS: We studied thirty patients who admitted in the Dept. of Pediatrics of Kyung Hee Medical Hospital with NS. All patients was received longterm steroid therapy. There was no history of bone, liver, or endocrine disease. The samples, serum protein, albumin, BUN, creatinine, calcium, phosphorus, and BMD were obtained before and the six months after the dose of 1alpha-(OH)D3 and Pamidronate, respectively. RESULTS: The mean age was 6.9+/-3.3 and 6.5+/-2.5 years old. The mean duration of steroid therapy was 28.8+/-1.8 and 27.6+/- 1.0 months. The changes of serum protein, albumin, BUN, creatinine, calcium and phosphorus level between pre-treatment and post-treatment did not show statistical significance in both 1alpha-(OH)D3 and Pamidronate treatment group. However, BMD was increased in both from 0.472+/-0.12 and 0.457+/-0.10 g/cm2 to 0.533+/-0.12 and 0.529+/-0.09 g/cm2 after treatment. (P<0.05). CONCLUSION: Both 1alpha-(OH)D3 and Pamidronate appears to be effective in treating and preventing SIO in children with nephrotic syndrome requiring long-term steroid therapy.
Key words: Nephrotic syndrome | osteoporosis | 1alpha-(OH)D3 | Pamidronate

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